Friday, January 20, 2012

Practicing that perfect pose

So lets face it; what would being at the summit of Mt Rainier be without that epic camera shot frozen in time forever and placed somewhere around that house so it can be discussed at every gathering.

Guest: "Hey where is that picture from?" one might ask...

Me: "Oh, that... That's me being badass and (insert verb here; I prefer throwing) it on top of Rainier."

The only response possible: "Oh" while lowering their head in a submissive manor.

This conversation piece wouldn't be able to take place of course without that shot. But how do Pat, Cyrus and I make sure that we are able to secure that perfect pose when we summit Rainier in June. Lets face it, it's not like we are going to be able to take a weekend trip back or a mulligan if we screw this up.

This can be avoided simply with a well organized plan, a little practice, and some good ole "stratiegery". Although my plan isn't established yet, I thought I would go over some basic thoughts and points to consider. Luckily this isn't a 4th and 10 situation, down by 5 at the Superbowl with 4 seconds left: we will have a chance for multiple shots. This means we can do the individual pose, the individual head shot, the three amigos, the three amigos throwing it shot... you get the point. But why not take this too the next level? Dennis Rodman was on to something with all that ink he rocked back in the day. But if he were smart there would be Coke and Reebok tats on him instead of the garbage he went with.

Taking this idea to the summit of Rainier, I made the recommendation to Pat that he acquire a UW Med flag and pose with that at the top. Thinking more about this and knowing that I will have plenty of bag space (go ahead and laugh everyone), I should do something similar. I'm not planning on taking a Verizon sign up and posing in the fashion of "can you hear me now?" but there are certainly other options. I'm tossing around the idea of forming a picture of Alison into a Flat Stanley and doing a few shots with that. Also thought that a picture of me with a number 12 jersey and the Seahawks flag would be something to send in during the next super fan competition. But which one will go on the wall for all who enter the house of Brooke to see?

Answer: The stars and stripes, Old Glory herself. The American flag!

As I mentioned earlier much more planning must be done with all elements considered for this epic shot forever forged in the beauty of digital photo land. Wind patterns, lighting, matching beanie perhaps? Who knows! The next six months will be filled with General Patton style planning, making sure not one issue is missed, not one possible situation over looked.

But first thing is first... 7.2 megapixels just wont do. Time to go camera shopping.

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