Friday, May 25, 2012

How have you been training?

Now that we are down to the home stretch, I thought I would share my training experience with everyone. No one person is the same so what works for me may not work for you. I feel coming into this I had an advantage over my climbing partners (both very busy doctors). Ive been lucky enough to have a job that requires me to stay in good physical condition. Ive also been a member of the local Crossfit gym now for the past 18 months, which has definitely helped me out in my training to summit Rainier.

I thought I would post my training log just so everyone can see what type of physical training I have been doing. This doesn't include the day to day physical activities that life brings me, like shoveling gravel, painting houses or doing a hose drill at work. I must say I wish I was able to get more long hikes in. That would probably be the thing I would change if I had to do it all over again. On the other end of the spectrum, what I believe has really helped prepare me for this journey (we will see if I'm right in 3 weeks) are all the squats I have added to my workout. I've included squats into every workout in some different form. It could be front squats, which help prepare for the uphill portion while having weight on your back, back squats which strengthen all the muscles in your legs, or overhead squats to really strengthen your core. Other movements that are similar to squats are thrusters, clean and jerks, and snatch. Add these various squat movements in with the rest of the workout you've got a training program that will really help build the strength and endurance you need. Don't forget to target all the pillars of fitness (cardiovascular, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy).

This is my rough training log. It doesn't include warmups, stretching or cool downs which are part of all my workouts.

Jan 7th – Lime Kiln Trail with Pat. 5.2 mile round trip, 625 ft elevation gain, 2:45 total time.
Jan 12th – FRAN @ Crossfit Marysville (CFM)
Jan 14th – Big Four trail with Pat. Snow conditions approx 2 feet deep. 2.2 round trip, 200 feet elevation   gain.
Jan 17th – 4 rounds 8-10 reps bench-press (135lbs), followed by 60 seconds of double-unders.
                  12 min AMRAP 9 deadlifts (165lbs), 12 hand release pushups, 15 box jumps (24”)
Jan 23rd – CFM: 50 wall balls (20lbs), 40 KB swings (70lbs) 30 burpees, 20 pull-ups, 10 man makers (45lbs)
Jan 24th – CFM: Teams of 3 Row 5000m, Run 4000m, 300 wall balls
Jan 26th – 7 rounds of 7 OH squats (85), 7 chest to bar pull ups
Jan 27th – 5 sets of 5 reps back squat (135,155,155,175,185), 4 rounds of 300m row, 15 SDHP (85), 10 burpees
Jan 28th – 1000m row, 10 rounds of 5 thrusters (105) on the minute. Got a call after 5 rounds.
Jan 29th – Snow shoe lake 22 with Pat. 5.4 miles round trip, 1350ft elevation gain. Pat broke his boot about ½ mile from the lake, had to turn around.
Jan 31st – Mazama snow shoe. 2 miles round trip, 800 feet elevation gain, deep snow.
Feb 2nd – 5x5 front squat (135, 135, 155, 155, 155) 20 min AMRAP in teams of 2, 400m run, 20 KB swings (53), 15 squats, 10 burpees, 5 hand release pushups.
Feb 3rd – CFM: 5 sets of 2-2-2 clean, 10 sec rest between, 3 min rest between rounds. 3 rounds 100 DU, 30 KB swings (53), 15 box jumps (24”), 3 min rest between each round.
Feb 4th – 5 rounds of 30 pull ups/burpee box jumps (max out PU then finish remaining of 30 with burpee box jumps.
Feb 6th – Row 5K 23:55
Feb 7th – CFM: 4 rounds of 4 min with 2 min rest between rounds. 500m row, 30 KB swings (53), then max pull ups – 21
                  3 rounds of 6-8 bench press (95) and burn out pushups with 1 min rest between rounds
Feb 13th – Work up to heavy C+J (95, 125, 145, 165, 175, 175, 185).
12 min AMRAP 5 C+J (135), 10 box jumps (24”), 20 double under
Feb 15th – Row 5K 21:34
Feb 19th – Snow Shoe Pilchuck. Heather Lake trailhead to Pilchuck trailhead, 5.4 miles each way with 1700 feet of elevation gain, 7 hours.
Feb 21st – CFM: 3 rounds 10 chest to bar pull ups, 10 burpees, 8HSPU.
                  Split jerks (95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185)
Feb 22nd – CFM: In teams of 4 perform a 25 min AMRAP rotating through 4 stations. 400m run, 20 box jumps, 20 burpees, 20 wall balls (20). Don’t rotate stations until entire team is finished with their station. 3 rounds + 2 stations.
Feb 24th - Stretching. Trial run of burpees (for 12.1 open WOD). 3 min AMRAP burpees: 43
Feb 25th – CFM: 12.1 open WOD 7 min AMRAP burpees: 88.
                  OH squat 5x5 (45, 65, 95, 95, 115). OH squat burnout (65), OH squat burnout (45)
Feb 27th – CFM: In teams of three, 15 min AMRAP rotating rounds 3 dead lifts (225), 6 pushups, 9 box jumps (24)
                  Rest 5 minutes, then 15 min AMRAP of 5 pull-ups, 10 burpees
Mar 1st – CFM: 4 rounds power clean 1-1-1, rest thirty seconds, 15 CTB pulls-ups, rest one minute (135-155-185-195)
                  12 min AMRAP 5 power cleans (135), 10 box jumps (24”), 20 double unders
Mar 2nd – 1-1-1 snatch (95, 115, 135, 145, 150 fail)
Mar 3rd – CFM: 12.2 open WOD 10 min AMRAP snatch in increments of 30 @70, 135, 165, 210 (50)
Mar 4th – 4 rounds 300m row, 30 double unders, 20 wall balls (18), 10 pull-ups
Mar 5th-9th – Rest week
Mar 10th – CFM: 12.3 open WOD 18 min AMRAP 15 box jumps (24”), 12 push-press (115), 9 toes to bar (5 rounds +20)
Mar 11th – 20 minutes stairs w/ pack (35)
                  5 rounds of 90 seconds 12 front squat (95), max hand release pushups, 1 min rest
Mar 13th – 20 min stairs (40)
                  3 rounds 10 power cleans, 20 pull ups, 250m row
Mar 14th – Back squat: 5 (155), 3 (185), 3 (195), 1 (210), 1 (235)
                  4 rounds of 2 min 30 kb swings (53), row for max yards, rest 2 min between rounds
Mar 15th – CFM: 2 rounds Row 500m, 10 HSPU, 20 shoulder to OH (135), 25 box jumps (24), 30 D.U.
                  Every time you stop in the middle of a station do 3 burpees
Mar 16th - CFM: 12.4 open WOD 12 min AMRAP 150 wallballs (20), 90 D.U., 18 muscle ups (182)
Mar 18th – Stairs/400m run/2min rest/400m run
                  800m run, 100 KB swings (53), 800m run, 200 D.U., 800m run, 100 H.R. push ups
Mar 22nd – Practice 12.5 – 3-6-9 thrusters and pull ups
Mar 23rd – CFM: 12.5 open WOD 7 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12…. Thrusters (100) CTB pull-ups (68)
Mar 24th – 10 min AMRAP 5 C+J (135) 10 CTB pull-ups
Mar 25th – Snow shoe Lake Kelcema. 8.4 mi round trip, 1600 ft elevation gain, 6 hours
Mar 27th – 3 rounds 9-6-3 unbroken HSPU
                  1 mile run, 150 D.U
Mar 29th – 3- 6 min AMRAP’s 3 hang cleans (115), 6 front squat, 9 HSPU – rest 4 min
10 toes to bar, 15 HR push ups, 20 KB swings (53) – rest 4 mins
30 DU, 20 air squats
Mar 30th – CFM: Squat cleans,
                  4 rounds for time (4 min max) 5 wall climbs, 10 med ball cleans, 20 box jumps, 30 DU
Mar 31st – 50 cal row, 50 pull-ups, 50 ground to OH (95), 50 sit-ups, 50 KB swings (70), 50 cal row
Apr 3rd – 3000m row for time
                  3 rounds with 2 min rest between rounds 200m sprint, 10 burpees
Apr 4th – Camp Muir attempt approx 6 miles round trip, up to 8400 feet, 8 hours.
Apr 7th – Stretch, work up to C+J, 10 rounds of 5 C+J and 10 pull-ups on the minute
Apr 9th – Squat sets of 3 (95, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 225) Burn out @ 135 (8)
Apr 12th – CFM: 5 rounds 200m run, 150m row, 20 DU – rest 1 min
                  5 rounds 10 SDHP (70 KB), 10 KB swings (70)
Apr 14th – Ten 2 min rounds of row 250m, 5 burpees, max kb swings
Apr 18th - Ten rounds of 2 C+J every minute 155, Row 2k
April 20 – 28 REST/PARTY IN CABO
May 3rd – CFM: Max Split jerk (205 PR), 14 min AMRAP of 6 STOH, 9 HR push up, 12 TTB
May 4th - Light squats, Tabata - Box jumps/Ball-slams/Dead-lifts (135)/Push press (75)
May 6th - Row 3 k, 5 rounds of 10 C+J (135), 20 double unders
May 9th – CFM: bench press 5-4-3-2-1 (135,155,155,175,185), 3 rounds - 500m row, rest 1 min, 400m run, rest 1 min - 15:38
May 11th - Squats (135, 155, 185),50 squats for time (95)
40 pullups/20 STOH (85)/400m run - 30 pullups/20 STOH (65)/400m run - 10 pullups/20  STOH (45)/400m run
May 20th – Row 3K
May 21st – CFM: Work up to a heavy thruster, 20 min AMRAP 20 thrusters, 20 pull ups, 20 burpees
May 23rd – CFM: 30 squat clean thrusters for time @115
May 24th - 1000m row, 5min stairs, Seven rounds 8 back squat (95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175), 200m run, rest 1 min, 2k row 

OH Squat

Random workout (WOD) at CFM


  1. must feel good to have all your workouts written down like that to see how much you kick ass! Awesome. Excited for all you guys.

  2. I am very much glad to read through your post. Training is one of the very best time we can learn the tips and tricks about mountaineering. Even though the practice makes a man perfect, a good training is needed to take him to practice. Planning to explore the nukes and corner of mountaineering in Canmore, wish me luck!
